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With Monique Cormack...


A personalised nutrition plan will bring nourishment, confidence and clarity to your fertility and pregnancy journey.


What can I help you with?

  • practical strategies to optimise your diet for fertility

  • expert advice on prenatal and fertility supplements

  • evidence-based nutrition support for conditions including PCOS, endometriosis & adenomyosis

  • healing hypothalamic amenorrhea and restoring your fertility

  • personalised nutrition and supplement strategies for your IVF journey

  • tips for navigating the ups and downs of pregnancy

  • support for your wellbeing in the postpartum period


1:1 Nutrition Consultations

A personalised nutrition plan can improve your fertility, reduce your risk of pregnancy complications and positively influence health outcomes for your future child.

Initial consultations include a review of your medical history and a dietary assessment. Recommendations will be summarised into a nutrition plan tailored to your goals, and may include supplement recommendations. Follow up consultations can be scheduled to review progress and adapt your plan.


1:1 Consultation & Support Packages

Optimising your fertility and nurturing a healthy pregnancy involves making longer term, sustainable changes. This process can feel so much easier if you have a clear plan with active support.

Consultation packages are available for fertility, IVF preparation and pregnancy. These packages combine consultations with ongoing virtual support so you’ve always got someone on your team.

Packages offer improved value for money, accountability and coaching support to help you achieve your health goals with confidence and ease.

If you’re interested in a package, please book in for a complimentary 15 minute discovery call so that we can get to know each other and assess your suitability.


Express Prenatal Supplement Consultation

Starting to plan for a baby and wondering which one of the 5000 supplements you should be taking? Or perhaps you’re about to go for an egg collection and curious about supplements for egg quality?

In this express consultation (40 minutes) we will review your unique supplement requirements. You will receive a detailed plan with specific supplement brand and dosage recommendations.

This consultation is designed for those who feel like they've got a good handle on their diet and only want supplement-specific advice. You will also receive a bonus copy of my Preconception Foundations eBook!

Complimentary Discovery Call

If you are not sure what level of support is best suited to you, please book in for a complimentary 15-minutes introductory call and let’s get to know each other.

It’s your obligation-free opportunity to share your story with me. We can see if we will be a good fit and discuss how I will be able to help you achieve your health goals.

All those who are interested in booking for one of my 1:1 Nutrition Packages should book in for a complimentary call first.




IVF Roadmap Program

A holistic approach to IVF preparation that equips you with the knowledge and tools to take positive steps forward on your fertility journey. Complete this Program as a fully self-paced online course, or receive 1:1 consultations alongside.

Nourish Your Fertility

An online program to support your preconception journey with a clear, practical and evidence-based foundation for optimising your nutrition for fertility. Take away your fertility diet confusion and feel inspired and empowered.


Initial Appointments - What To Expect

In our initial appointment I will take a thorough health history, review recent blood tests and other medical investigations, and assess your dietary and supplement requirements. We will then clarify your health goals together, and I’ll create a plan that moves you toward those goals.

You will also receive tailored supplement recommendations and an electronic prescription for supplements (where possible) if they are indicated.

Prior to your appointment I will typically request that you provide:

  • Food diary

  • List of supplements and medications

  • Copies of blood tests and any other relevant investigations

I am a health professional and practice within the boundaries of my professional regulations (I am registered with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society as a Nutritionist and am required to maintain continuing professional education every year - this is not mandatory but I choose to do so to uphold a higher standard of practice).

I am also required to abide by the NSW government’s Code of Conduct for non-registered health practitioners, which you can review HERE.