Ten Things About Me


Welcome to Monique Cormack Nutrition! Something I’ve dreamed about launching for many years now, and I can’t quite believe we’re here. 

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If you’ve been following me on Instagram, Facebook or my recipe blog Nourish Every Day you’ll know that I’ve been studying to be a nutritionist for some time, while juggling another job and caring for my children. If that’s not you, I thought I’d share some random facts about me so we can get to know each other a little better.

So, here we go…

Nutrition is my second career
I studied law right after high school and practised as a solicitor before going back to study a Bachelor of Health Science. Being a lawyer has equipped me with many transferable skills, created great opportunities and helped me find financial security. I don’t regret it, but crazily I now have three university degrees. And haven’t ruled out a nutrition & dietetics Masters!

I’m a perfectionist, but trying not to be one so much
Striving to do your best is one thing but perfectionism can drive anxiety, low self-esteem and a feeling like you’re never “good enough”. Patience, empathy and flexibility are what I work toward.

My biggest personal nutrition struggle is managing IBS
I have struggled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for over a decade, though nowadays I am pretty good at dealing with it through diet and stress management (important in IBS).

I’ve also really struggled with disordered eating (orthorexia)
I used to get caught up in every silly popular health fad, overexercise every single day, and restrict my diet excessively. I experienced extreme weight loss and was really unwell. It took me years to properly recover.

FIVE. And experienced infertility due to hypothalamic amenorrhea.
A consequence of weight loss for me was losing my menstrual cycle and developing hypothalamic amenorrhea. I’m the proudest ever mum now and I feel so lucky, and I have been able to regain my cycle postpartum.

SIX. I’m a mother of identical twin boys.
Leo and Max, my boys, my world. It was the hugest shock and has added a whole new level of complexity to my motherhood journey. But they are also my greatest gift.

SEVEN. My favourite type of exercise is a good barre class.
Can’t say I get a lot of time to exercise with twin toddlers, but once or twice a week is just enough to make me feel awesome. I love the energy that participating in a group class provides!

EIGHT. I’m not a fabulous baker.
When it comes to complicated cakes I often don’t have the patience. I’ll skim a recipe, decide it’s too finicky and just end up baking chocolate brownies! I do love creating healthier baked goods for brekky and snacks, though.

NINE. Eggs are my go-to meal when I haven’t prepared anything.
If it’s a busy week for my husband and a lot of solo dinners are required, you can bet most of them end up being scrambled eggs or an omelette! Such an easy meal – I always add some finely chopped or grated veggies to my eggs to help hit my 5 serves of veg a day.

My nutrition passions are fertility, pregnancy, women’s health and gut health

(and often, those things intertwine!). My own experiences have definitely driven a strong desire to research and study these areas especially. It’s so wonderful to finally reach a place where I’m able to help others.

Are you interested in improving your diet or do you have some questions you need answered when it comes to nutrition for fertility, babies or gut troubles? Get in touch and let’s see if a consultation can help you. 

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